Student Loan Or Grant?

Lana ComeauxBlog, Dr. Lana L. Comeaux, Lana ComeauxLeave a Comment

Lana Comeaux

Students or parents with bad credit or no credit history should know there are options when it comes to bad credit student loans. Federal student loans are typically the best borrowing option, but there are private loan options as well.

Certain organizations have certain criteria’s for grants eligibility. This entirely depends on individuals conditions and varies case to case.

At a glance – The main difference between a grant and a loan is repayment. A loan requires you to repay the money you borrow, whereas a grant does not.

Grants may be awarded by government departments, trusts, or corporations and given to individuals, businesses, educational institutions, or non-profits.

Guaranteed solution –while grant and student loans have their own risks, the best way to secure your lead is to gain a scholarship. This is 100% better than student loans.

Like grants, scholarships are another form of free money. In fact, sometimes it can be hard to discern the difference between a grant and a scholarship other than the name.

However, in a general sense, scholarships are more likely to be based on factors other than financial need.

The biggest difference between grants and scholarships is where they come from. While grants may come from government entities, scholarships rarely do. Rather, scholarships may be offered by schools, individuals, businesses, families, community organizations, or any number of other parties.

Option available to deal with student loan debt –Grant money is essentially “free” money. While the government does have grant programs aimed at helping people in need, they aren’t the kind of thing that you can just apply for directly. There are certain factors to bear in mind when considering grants.

Eligibility – Grant providers have set their eligibility criteria’s.

Amount – A certain amount is set

Just in case, if you’ve seen ads promising a government grant for someone with bad credit, you might think this is the answer to your problems. But it’s not. While there are grants designed to help people with low incomes, they aren’t something where you can simply go online, fill out a form, and expect a deposit in your bank account. More likely than not, the ad you’re seeing is a scam.

No matter what kind of loan you end up taking out, make sure you do your research. Borrowing money means being on the hook for repayment, and there could be dire consequences for your credit score.

About the Author

Lana Comeaux

Lana Comeaux has worked as a teacher and she taught junior high and high school classes. She taught multiple subjects including US History, World History, US Government and Economics, and Texas History.

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